Application Information


  1. I don’t live in the Chariho Regional School District; can my child still attend CHARIHOtech?Yes, we are a regional center and accept students from Block Island, Charlestown, Exeter, Hopkinton, Jamestown, Narragansett, North Kingstown, Richmond, South Kingstown, Westerly and West Greenwich.


  2. Will I have to pay tuition for my child to attend CHARIHOtech?No, families are NOT required to pay tuition to attend CHARIHOtech.


  3. Will transportation be provided to CHARIHOtech if I live out of district?Yes, if you live in one of the towns listed in question one, transportation will be provided at no cost to your family.


  4. What programs do you offer? We offer 22 programs at CHARIHOtech.Visit for a full listing of programs or for a video overview of our programs.


  5. How many programs can I select and enroll in?You can apply for up to three programs (1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice), and have the opportunity to be accepted into one starting in the freshman year and continuing for all four years of high school.


  6. What academic courses will my child have to take, and can they still take honors and AP courses?If accepted into a CHARIHOtech program, you automatically enroll at Chariho Regional High School.This means that you have every opportunity that a student at Chariho Regional High School is entitled to; the entire Program of Studies, extracurricular activities, and the complete interscholastic athletic program. Students will graduate with a Chariho High School Diploma.


  7. I see that Chariho High School is listed as a top 10% school nationally, what does that mean?U.S. News determines the school’s status by their performance in certain areas. Schools are classified as high performing schools in the state show strong performance across metrics including performance in math and ELA, gap closures, and graduation rates.Chariho High School is the only school on the Rhode Island top 10 high school list with an associated career and technical center.


  8. My child has an IEP or a 504, can they still be accepted into a program?Yes, we accept students with a diverse range of skills and abilities and we do not request this information prior to acceptance.You can review our acceptance criteria on our website:


  9. The high school in my town already has a career & technical program, can I still apply to CHARIHOtech?Yes, you are still able to pursue a CHARIHOtech program.


  10. How can I find out more about the programs and what they offer? You can follow us on our social media platforms.We use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and a NEW YouTube channel!Our website also has information about each program. Lastly, visit us during  Open House on January 10 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.

Apply Now

The Chariho Area Career and Technical Center is the regional career and technical center serving the communities of Block Island, Charlestown, Exeter, Hopkinton, Jamestown, Narragansett, North Kingstown, Richmond, South Kingstown, West Greenwich and Westerly. Students from other communities may also apply to the Chariho Area Career and Technical Center, but may have to provide their own transportation.

Regulations from the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education of the Rhode Island Board of Education state that all students have the right to apply to a career and technical center. Applicants shall be “guaranteed consideration for placement” if their application is received by February 15th. Late applications are considered on a first come, first served basis and are dependant upon program availability.

Several programs at the Chariho Area Career and Technical Center are nationally certified. Each program is four years and leads to an industry recognized credential or college credits. Students in each program participate in eighty-hours of work-based learning over the course of four years.

If you have questions about applying to the Chariho Area Career and Technical Center, please email Director Auth at [email protected].